‘Cigar-Shaped UFO’ Spotted In Skies In Multiple Locations Across The World

If intelligent aliens ever visit the Earth, it would be one of the most profound events in the history of humanity. Ever since we were Neanderthals who discovered fire and started evolving into the humans we are today, we have had a fascination for strange beings in the sky.


‘Cigar-Shaped UFO’ Spotted In Skies In Multiple Locations Across The World


If intelligent aliens ever visit the Earth,   it would be one of the most profound  events in the history of humanity. Ever since we were Neanderthals who discovered  fire and started evolving into the humans we are   today, we have had a fascination for strange  beings in the sky.
‘Cigar-Shaped UFO’ Spotted In Skies In Multiple Locations Across The World

There are theories that   ancient aliens taught us everything we know today,  planted the seeds of development into our brains. Surveys conducted show that nearly 50% of  Americans believe that aliens have visited the   Earth, either in the ancient past or recently.  That percentage has gradually been increasing.   Belief in alien visitation is greater than  belief that Bigfoot is a real creature,   but less than the belief that  places can be haunted by ghosts.
Scientists dismiss these beliefs  as not representing real physical   phenomena. They don’t deny the existence  of intelligent aliens. But they set a high   bar for proof that we’ve been visited  by creatures from another star system.  As Carl Sagan had once said, “Extraordinary  claims require extraordinary evidence.
UFO simply means unidentified flying object.  That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. In America, there’s a long  history of UFO sightings.   Air Force studies of UFOs have been going  on since the 1940s. In the United States,   “ground zero” for UFOs occurred in 1947  in Roswell, New Mexico.
The fact that the   Roswell incident was soon explained as the crash  landing of a military high-altitude balloon didn’t   stem a tide of new sightings. The majority of  UFOs appear to people in the United States.   It’s curious that Asia and Africa have so few  sightings despite their large populations,   and even more surprising that the sightings  stop at the Canadian and Mexican borders.
UFOs are part of the landscape of conspiracy  theories, including accounts of abduction by   aliens and crop circles created by aliens.  I remain skeptical that intelligent beings   with vastly superior technology would travel  trillion of miles just to press down our crops. So, while UFOs continue to swirl  in the popular culture, scientists   are trying to answer the big question  that is raised by UFOs: Are we alone? Starting 2008, there have been numerous reports  of sightings of strange cigar-shaped UFOs.
Dozens of astonishing UFO sightings  witnessed by pilots and classified as   “near misses” have been released by the  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The detailed list of reports covers  UFO or so-called Unidentified Aerial   Phenomenon (UAP) sightings from  January 1, 2008 to the present.
The list, published on the Black Vault site,  covers more than 60 “near miss” encounters   with unexplained objects recorded  by trained pilots in just 14 years. The sightings have been reported  in abundance in the last few years,   with conspiracy theorists having eagerly  engaged in speculation about what kind   of creatures could be operating  the gigantic oblongish objects.
Californians have spotted a cigar-shaped  craft hovering in the sky above the state,   akin to previous, similarly-shaped  “UFOs” earlier seen in the area. A puzzling footage showed a rather long  dark object that emerged on 31 January,   2021 under the caption “UFO over the Pacific” and  instantly drew a slew of responses and went viral.
A silver, cylindrical object with no  visible wings or windows and a linear shape.  The object was filmed at 4 PM one can just see it  cruising over the horizon. The visibility is very   good, and there are no clouds to speak of because  there is nothing in the way of this object. “This is not a UFO but a flying cigar,” one viewer  wrote under the video shared by Antoni ENKI,   with another apparently being  lost for words over the sight   of the enigmatic structure remaining  motionless in the air for some time.
Earlier in the same month, another  recording of what seemed to be a   similar “craft” in the night sky was shared. Such objects have been seen in the US multiple   times, with the frequency of sightings  increasing as the years progressed. Speaking of cigar shaped UFOs, if a  famous interstellar visitor comes to   your mind, then you’re not alone. Yes, I’m talking about Oumuamua.
Astronomers from the University of Hawaii first  spotted the mysterious celestial body known as   “Oumuamua” in October, when it passed the Earth  at about 85 times the distance to the moon. It is the first object discovered  in the solar system that appears to   have originated from another part of the galaxy.
Although thought to be an asteroid,  Oumuamua’s elongated shape – hundreds   of metres in length but only one tenth as wide –  was considered highly unusual for a space rock. Traveling at up to 196,000 mph, the  object’s high speed also suggests that it   is not gravitationally bound to the sun but is  destined to head back out of the solar system.
Even Breakthrough Listen, a $100 million  programme which was backed by late British   physicist Stephen Hawking, Russian digital tech  mogul Yuri Milner, and Facebook founder Mark   Zuckerberg, was investigating whether  Oumuamua may have unnatural origins. The organization, whose aim is to search  for evidence of civilizations beyond Earth,   was using the world’s largest maneuverable radio   telescope at Green Bank in West  Virginia to track the object.
The giant dish began “listening” to the  object across four radio frequency bands,   in an attempt to detect electromagnetic  signals that cannot be produced in nature. According to many scientists,  the trajectory and behavior of   Oumuamua consistent with the motion of  a spaceship whose engines have failed.
A derelict spacecraft would, if they are not  traveling so fast that they escape the Galaxy,   eventually ‘thermalize’ with the stars and end up   drifting around like any other  interstellar comet or asteroid. But, since they presumably no longer have  attitude control, one would expect that   they would eventually begin to tumble, and if  they are very rigid that tumbling might have a   distinguished motion than that of ordinary  interstellar asteroids.
And in fact, just   because their propulsion is broken doesn’t mean  that their radio transmitters would be broken. While we were never able to fully answer the  questions about the true nature of Oumuamua,   there’s no doubt that it was very unnatural  and stranger than any space rock ever seen. Coming back to the cigar shaped UFOs spotted  across the skies in different locations,   could they perhaps be the non-derelict, still  functional versions of Oumuamua’s peers?   Ones that managed to make it close enough to  Earth to get a clear picture of our planet?
And what’s interesting is that all these  sightings of the cigar shaped UFOs happened   during the lockdown. A time when the whole of  humanity was forced to stay behind closed doors.  Seems like the perfect time if some alien  species wanted to make a quick stop by. In closing, even the known universe is  an unimaginably vast expanse, forget the   unknown. We’ve no good reason to assume we are  the only intelligent beings in the universe.
Astronomers are finding exoplanets everywhere  they look. Many fall in the habitable zones.  Just think back fifty years. Think of the  technological advances you’ve seen. Think   how they have affected your daily life.  Now, envision our technology some 1,000   odd years into the future. The universe  is estimated to be 13.
7 billion years old,   so extrapolate technology 10,000 years into the  future, or a million … or a billion years.   Yeah…there’s no way you can still think ours  is the only planet that developed life on it.


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